How can I find the saturation of all the rgb channels separately?

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I need to find out the saturation of all the three channels separately.How do I do that?

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Nov 2016
If you take a 3 color RGB matrix and extract out the individual color channels separately, then exactly what does saturation mean in that case - in the case of a monochrome gray scale image? Maybe you can say the intensity is the saturation? Or just call rgb2hsv() and look at the second channel for the more traditional definition of saturation, which means it operates on the whole RGB image, not the 3 color channels separately.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Nov 2016
Do you want to change the actual pixel values, like make them red or something? OR do you want to leave the pixel values the same and just change how they are displayed, like use a colormap where those pixels are red, or use a binary overlay ?

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