Why does Polyspace report "MISRA C:2012 10.3 and 10.4"

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In a C project I have a "typedef unsigned char BOOL; and true and false declared as BOOL" and in a function with parameter pointer to a BOOL, I do an assign *Pointer_To_BOOL = TRUE/FALSE and I get "MISRA C:2012 10.3 (Required)   The value of an expression shall not be assigned to an object with a narrower essential type or of a different essential type category. The expression is assigned to an object with a different essential type category." And also get "MISRA C:2012 10.4 (Required)   Both operands of an operator in which the usual arithmetic conversions are performed shall have the same essential type category. The left operand of the == operator has essentially unsigned type while the right operand has essentially Boolean type." where I check *Poiter_To_BOOL against TRUE/FALSE. Why does Polyspace take an parameter *Pointer_To_BOOL as unsigned char and what can I do to stop getting this warnings (refactor/justify).
Thank you, Cristian PASCALAU
Cristian PASCALAU on 28 Nov 2016
TRUE and FALSE are defined as (BOOL)(1U)/ (BOOL)(0U) and I have typedefed unsigned char BOOL.
Lorenz Mende
Lorenz Mende on 23 Jun 2017
Hi Christian, did you already set the -boolean-types with your specific BOOL? If you have done and working with R2016b or lower, than there might be the chance that this is related to a bug and it is fixed in R2017a.
If a update is not possible, you may justify these violations in code -> see chapter "Add Review Comments to Code" in the documentation. It works well, our review process comes too with a justification comment which is detected by doxygen additionally.

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Accepted Answer

Anirban on 23 May 2022
Since R2021a, the checkers 10.x treat macros such as TRUE and FALSE that resolve to 1 and 0 as essentially Boolean. See Polyspace release notes.

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Nov 2016
"Why does Polyspace take an parameter *Pointer_To_BOOL as unsigned char"
Because you defined BOOL as unsigned char. You deference a pointer to unsigned char so the result is going to be unsigned char
Cristian PASCALAU on 29 Nov 2016
Edited: Walter Roberson on 3 Apr 2017
But MISRA 10.4 tells me "Both operands of an operator in which the usual arithmetic conversions are performed shall have the same essential type category. The left operand of the == operator has essentially unsigned type while the right operand has essentially Boolean type."
Here is an example of code:
static void DoSomething(BOOL *Pointer_To_BOOL_X, ... )
*Pointer_To_BOOL_X = TRUE;
/** here I get warning 10.3 The value of an expression shall not be assigned to an object with a narrower essential type or of a different essential type category. The expression is assigned to an object with a different essential type category. */
if (*Pointer_To_BOOL_X == TRUE)/* here I get warning 10.4 */
/** do something */
- typedef unsigned char BOOL;
- TRUE (#define TRUE (BOOL)(1u))
- FALSE (#define FALSE (BOOL)(0u))
and function call is: DoSomething(&BOOL_X, ... )
Thank you.

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