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Robotics System Toolbox Interface for ROS Custom Messages gone missing

1 view (last 30 days)
I've install the Robotics System Toolbox Interface for ROS Custom Messages, build my custom message and used it successful. The issue occurred once I restarted matlab, although the toolbox is labelled as installed. The function rosgenmsg is unknown and my custom message can't be used.
P.s. I'm running ubuntu 16.04 with Matlab R2016b

Answers (1)

Hari Desanur
Hari Desanur on 12 Dec 2016
Run the following command to check if the "rosgenmsg.m" file is present in the MATLAB path.
>> which -all rosgenmsg
Add the '\toolbox\robotics\supportpackages\roscustommsg' folder and it's sub folders into the MATLAB path.
Also check if you can see the "Robotics System Toolbox Interface for ROS Custom Messages" add on as installed in the 'Add-On Explorer'. You can open this by clicking on the 'Add-Ons' button on the 'HOME' Tab in Environment Section.
If you cannot find the above files, reinstall the add-on.
  1 Comment
Alexandre on 12 Dec 2016
Edited: Alexandre on 12 Dec 2016
I have now uninstalled and reinstalled the add-on and it seems it's their to stay. I'm not sure why this time it works but I suspect something about the pathing.

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