How can I map Body Diode datasheet params to Simulink N-MOSFET model?

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I would be interested on including the body diode effect of a NMOS transistor into the N-Channel model that Simspace includes for electronics. However, the parameters that the Body diode in Matlab requires is not completely given in the datasheets.
Let's say that I have the following datasheet , where I can read
How can I translate these parameters to the ones shown in Modeling Body Diode of Simulink block?
Reverse saturation current
Built-in voltage
Ideality factor
Zero-bias junction capacitance
Transit time
Thanks in advnce,
Kind regards!

Answers (1)

Sabin on 16 Jan 2025
The N-Channel MOSFET block models the body diode either as an ideal, exponential diode or as a tabulated diode.
If available data is limited to what is given in the attached table, it would be better to set body diode to none and model the body diode externally using the Diode block. There you can select ‘Piecewise linear’ model and ‘Fixed or zero junction capacitance’. For the ‘Charge dynamics’ parameter it is possible to select either ‘Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time’ or ‘Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge’.

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