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Simulating circuits for processors

1 view (last 30 days)
Brent Cartwright
Brent Cartwright on 25 Dec 2016
Is there a part of matlab that simulates circuits, like LTspice and can possibly integrate them with the matlab program for building processors and circuits ?
John BG
John BG on 25 Dec 2016
have you seen the RF toolbox, it's quite limited compared to Keysight's ADS but Mathworks has been improving it greatly.

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Answers (1)

Hari Desanur
Hari Desanur on 29 Dec 2016
I am not sure of your exact workflow but if you want to simulate circuits you can consider Simscape Electronics and Simscape Power Systems.
If you want to generate HDL code you can consider HDL Coder.
  1 Comment
Brent Cartwright
Brent Cartwright on 29 Dec 2016
Thanks sir, the simulink models simulate the electronics functions, I'm just new to the software and signal processing like this, I've been studying audio engineering from the DAW for years, but this is all new to me, and am looking for direction in using the software in signal processing and processor design/production(plugins). thanks sir

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