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separate matrices out of struct

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a struct having matrices of B1, B2, and B3. I want to make three separate matrices out of them available in the Workspace automatically with the help of a loop. How?
S = struct('B1',[1 2;3 4],'B2', [5 6; 7 8], 'B3', [9 10; 11 12] )
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 11 Jan 2017
"I want to make three separate matrices out of them available in the Workspace automatically with the help of a loop"
Here is why that would be a very bad idea:

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Accepted Answer

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 11 Jan 2017
Why? Apparently the three matrices are related. Keeping them in a single struct shows this relationship. If you need to access one of them you can easily do this using assignment operations
X = S.B1
or dynamically
k = 2
field = sprintf('B%d',k)
X = S.(field)

More Answers (1)

Rightia Rollmann
Rightia Rollmann on 11 Jan 2017
Thanks, man! You not just answered it, but perfected the question too!


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