Embedding dsp.TimeScope in a GUI using GUIDE

1 view (last 30 days)
Dan on 25 Jan 2017
Answered: Dan on 16 Oct 2018
I would like to use the dsp.TimeScope system object in a standalone GUI that I am making with GUIDE. I thought I could just make the object a child of an axes in my GUI but this doesn't seem possible. It looks like the only thing I can do it reposition the dsp.TimeScope figure to "float" on top of my GUI which seems....inelegant. Is there a better way? I might have multiple system objects & having them just float around seems unwieldy.
  1 Comment
espey on 16 Oct 2018
Hi, could you get a way to do this? I'm trying to embed other dsp system objects like Spectrum Analyzer and evm Plots into a MATLAB GUI using either GUIDE or appdesigner. Any help would be appreciated.

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Answers (1)

Dan on 16 Oct 2018
Sorry! I just accepted the inelegance.

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