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How can I detect a data point inside / outside a non-convex hull in high dimensional data set?

2 views (last 30 days)
Dear all, My question is: How can I detect a data point inside / outside a non-convex hull in high dimensional data set? There exist 3 MATLAB functions I found: "inpolyhedron", "pinpolyhedron" they are working up to 3D only, and "inhull" work with high dimensions but with convex hull only. Please, is there any other MATLAB function work with non-convex hull in high dimensional data set?
Regards Ammar
Ammar on 7 Feb 2017
Dear John D'Errico, I would like to thank you for your comment. I have three data sets 2D, 4D, and 38D and they form a non-convex hull and I am looking to test whether a new data point inside/outside that figure.
Kind regards Ammar

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