Subplots within a GUI figure
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I am developing a GUI using GUIDE. I have three axes defined in GUI. two of them I filled with two plots. The third axes, however, I would like to divide into several subplots. The problem is everytime I try to use it the subplot is dividing the entire GUI figure into several plots which is not what I wanted. Basically I have Axes1 which I filled with a figure, and Axes2 which I filled with another figure. and Now I have Axes3 which i like to divide into say 2x2 subplots. How do I do it?
Answers (2)
Image Analyst
on 11 Feb 2017
Pappu, is this what you mean:
% Plot top plot.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
plot(1:10, 'bo-');
title('subplot(2, 2, 1)');
% Plot middle plot.
subplot(2, 2, 2);
plot(sind(1:80), 'rd-');
title('subplot(2, 2, 2)');
% Plot 4 more plots in the bottom left spot
subplot(4, 4, 9);
scatter(rand(1,40), rand(1,40));
title('subplot(4, 4, 9)');
subplot(4, 4, 10);
plot(exp(1:10)/30000, 'ko-');
title('subplot(4, 4, 10)');
subplot(4, 4, 13);
plot(exp(rand(1,10)), 'co-');
title('subplot(4, 4, 13)');
subplot(4, 4, 14);
plot(exp(1:-.1:0), 'go-');
title('subplot(4, 4, 14)');

Image Analyst
on 11 Feb 2017
You need to put two panels on your GUI. One will contain the single large axes, and the other will contain the 4 small axes. Then you just set the visible property to 'on' or 'off' to show whichever you want
% Show 4 axes
handles.panelFour.Visible = 'on'; % Show 4 axes.
handles.panelOne.Visible = 'off'; % Hide large axes.
% Show single large axes
handles.panelFour.Visible = 'off'; % Hide 4 axes.
handles.panelOne.Visible = 'on'; % Show large axes.
Image Analyst
on 13 Feb 2017
I did not reference any variable or control called "mypicture". You use GUIDE and put two panels on it. I called them panelFour and panelOne but you can call them whatever you want. Reference them with the names that you actually used.
In one panel, place one axes. In the other panel, place 4 axes.
Then just set the visibility property of the two panels to show one and hide the other.
See Also
Find more on Subplots in Help Center and File Exchange
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