A very quick question
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Hello Guys. Can you tell me how can I write a code that is like
>> [ida,idb] = ismember('1','1 0 0 1')
ida =
idb =
but the outpoot i need is
idb =
[1 4]
I suppose it can be made with a double loop or smth, but I am looking for a simpler way.
Answers (2)
David J. Mack
on 12 Apr 2017
Edited: David J. Mack
on 12 Apr 2017
Hey Radoslav,
If you are working on numbers (as implied in your example) try
idb = find(ismember(1,[1 0 0 1])) % No quotes!
If you work on strings, either use a "set" with a cellstr:
idb = find(ismember('1',{'1','0','0','1'}))
str = '1 0 0 1';
idb = strfind('1',str(~isspace(str))); % Remove spaces
Hope that helps.
Greetings, David
Andrei Bobrov
on 12 Apr 2017
Edited: Andrei Bobrov
on 12 Apr 2017
A = '1 0 0 1';
B = '1';
An = A - '0';
Bn = B - '0';
An = An(An >= 0);
Bn = Bn(Bn >= 0);
idb = find(Bn == An);
for numeric
idb = find(B == A);
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