NEVER just throw anything (without thought) into a numerical routine and expect intelligence to come out of it. What is the old saying, garbage in, garbage out?
This is what you are trying to use interp1 on.
Does that curve represent a single valued function of the independent variable? The independent variable here is 20*log(abs(s21_ef_d)). NO! It is not single valued.
Interpolation will result in random junk.
Apparently you want to locate the points where the curve passes through (a0_ef_d-3). Since we have
It looks like there will be two solutions.
The simplest way to compute those two locations is to use my slmsolve utility, applied to a spline formed from the data passed in in reverse order. slmsolve is part of my SLM toolbox. As it turns out, I wrote that tool to also work on the pp form splines as returned from spline or pchip. spl = spline(f/1e9,20*log(abs(s21_ef_d)))
spl =
struct with fields:
form: 'pp'
breaks: [1×1601 double]
coefs: [1600×4 double]
pieces: 1600
order: 4
dim: 1
result = slmsolve(spl,a0_ef_d-3)
result =
1.6056 1.7314
hold on
You can get the SLM tools here: