Grouping data in a table and extracting that section of the table

9 views (last 30 days)
I have a table of data (mixed strings and numbers). I want to extract rows of the table for each unique group of column 1 and 2. I'm having a problem splitting the table by the array "group".
a = table2array(temp(:,1:1));
b = table2array(temp(:,2:2));
ab = strcat(a,'_',b);
group = findgroups(ab);

Answers (1)

Manish Annappa
Manish Annappa on 12 Jul 2017
Following document illustrates how to find groups using table variables
Below code illustrates finding groups based on values from first two columns of the table.
>> T = table([1;2;3;1;2],[1;2;4;1;2],[7;8;9;10;11],'VariableNames',{'One' 'Two' 'Three'});
>> [groups,TID] = findgroups(T(:,1:2))
groups =
One Two
___ ___
1 1
2 2
3 4


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