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Invalid MEX-file error, undefined symbol...

10 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to run a neural network found here:
This is in Ubuntu 16.04. I'm using MATLAB 2014a for compatibility with Caffe. Now when I try to run the demo_inpainting.m file, I get a series of errors. I was able to solve a few of them using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable and by renaming some dependencies to older version names. But now the error I am receiving looks like this:
Invalid MEX-file
/home/dmp/VeryDeepCNN/caffe/matlab/+caffe/private/caffe_.mexa64: undefined
symbol: _ZN7leveldb2DB4OpenERKNS_7OptionsERKSsPPS0_
Error in caffe.reset_all (line 5)
Error in netforward (line 4)
Error in demo_inpainting (line 25)
im_rec = netforward(im_scr,type,'inpainting');
This suggests to me that there is some problem with my version of leveldb, so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling that library but still receive the same error. I included the path to libleveldb in the LD_PRELOAD variable, but no luck there either. I haven't seen this error (Invalid MEX-file... undefined symbol) before and am not finding useful examples elsewhere.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.
  1 Comment
Qingqing Guo
Qingqing Guo on 11 Feb 2019
Hi, have you solved this problem? I have the same problem.

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Accepted Answer

Prashant Arora
Prashant Arora on 18 Jul 2017
Hi Corey,
You should check with the author regarding compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04 and MATLAB R2014a. Mex files are not supported for forward compatibility i.e. mex files created in newer versions of MATLAB may not run in older versions of MATLAB.

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