how i can program the following function of (convection-convection) in matlab??

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hello friends,
i would like to program the following equation of adviction_ convection in Matlab, could anyone help me and give me some advices about how i can do that.
Thank you for your help
Torsten on 25 Aug 2017
Here is the documentation:
Your problem is a standard problem for pdepe. You should be able to manage the setup following the examples given in the link.
Best wishes
Ismail KARAOUI on 25 Aug 2017
Edited: Ismail KARAOUI on 26 Aug 2017
Dear friend Torsten,
i used the Function of pdepe to solve my equation but it does not work,
could you please take a look to the code that i write.(attached matlab file).
Best regards

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Accepted Answer

Precise Simulation
Precise Simulation on 31 Aug 2017
With the FEATool Multiphysics Matlab FEM Toolbox you can enter your own custom equations and PDE with an easy syntax (similar to how PDEs are written on paper).
It is not quote clear exactly how your equation looks like, but you could start with a convection and diffusion equation in the GUI and the press the Edit Eqn button to modify the PDE to what you really want. Afterwards you can also save the model as a m-file script and see how the fea model is defined.

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