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Remove zero entries from cell arrays

5 views (last 30 days)
Suppose I have a m x n cell array. Some of these cells contain a 1 x 2 matrix of values other cells contain just a zero. I want to be able to delete all cells that contain zeros and have the cell array automatically re-size when finished. If you copy and past this in the command window you can see what I'm trying to accomplish. I've tried using ismember to look for the zeros but had no luck. I'm not very good when it comes to doing operations on cells. I need this to remain a cell array also. Thanks for any help.
points = {[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000],0,[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000],0;0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000],[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0;0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000],[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0;0,[13.0196582500000,-12.0401785500000],0,[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000];[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0,[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0;0,[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000],0,[13.0196582500000,-12.0401785500000];}

Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 23 Apr 2012
points = {[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000],0,[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000],0;0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000],[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0;0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000],[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0;0,[13.0196582500000,-12.0401785500000],0,[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000];[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0,[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0;0,[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000],0,[13.0196582500000,-12.0401785500000];}
p2 = num2cell(points,2);
C = cellfun(@(c)cellfun(@(x)x(x~=0),c,'uni',false),p2,'uni',false);
for ii = numel(C):-1:1
Cc = C{ii};
C(ii) = {Cc(cellfun(@(c)~isempty(c),Cc))};

More Answers (1)

Jan on 23 Apr 2012
Another idea:
points = {[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000],0, ...
[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000], 0; ...
0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000], ...
[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0; ...
0,[-20.6771670000000,-3.54125200000000], ...
[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0; ...
0,[13.0196582500000,-12.0401785500000],0, ...
[-24.7697910000000,-15.8191235000000]; ...
[-11.9803417500000,-14.5401785500000],0, ...
[4.32283300000000,-1.04125200000000],0; ...
0,[-12.6771670000000,20.4587480000000],0, ...
C = points(cellfun(@(x) ~isequal(x, 0), points));
"Automatically resize" is not unique: Should the number of rows or columns be adjusted?
C = reshape(C, size(points, 1), []); % For equal column length
Harold on 25 Apr 2012
This did not work. Order in each row is very important for what I need to do.
Jan on 25 Apr 2012
Dear Harold, I'm sure you can solve this problem by your own using the commands TRANSPOSE, RESHAPE and/or PERMUTE. The main problem is solved by the CELLFUN call, and the finetuning is up to you.

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