How to extract all the rows which match an specific string column
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The data is organized on this way: 4 numeric columns and 3 string columns all of same dimentions. I need to build a matrix which contains all the columns in order to extract the rows who match with and specific geol_unit string.
%this is how i read the data:
[x,y,strike_dir,dip,town,geol_unit,source] = textread('DatosEstructurales_C&S.txt','%f %f %f %f %s %s %s','delimiter',';');
%next step would be to build a matrix to obtain something like:
x y strike_dir dip 'town' 'geol_unit' 'source'
1191292.27 824768.3 65 60 Medellin StockAltavista Microzonificacion_2007
1191237.46 825146.46 200 25 Medellin StockAltavista Microzonificacion_2007
1188070.99 825708.745 46 55 Medellin Dunita RecargaCyS_2013
1188070.99 825708.745 156 60 Medellin Dunita RecargaCyS_2013
The final idea is to find an specific geol unit match and extact all the values.. for example all Dunita values, and get a matrix like:
x y strike_dir dip 'town' 'geol_unit' 'source'
1188070.99 825708.745 46 55 Medellin Dunita RecargaCyS_2013
1188070.99 825708.745 156 60 Medellin Dunita RecargaCyS_2013
Answers (2)
on 6 Nov 2017
Edited: KL
on 6 Nov 2017
Use readtable to import your data,
T = readtable('DatosEstructurales_C&S.txt');
if you don't have column names included in your text file, then
T.Properties.VariableNames = {'x','y','strike_dir','dip','town','geol_unit','source'};
and now to get what you want,
T_dunita = T(T.geol_unit == 'Dunita',:)
read more about readtable and tables on the below links:
on 5 May 2020
When trying to match a string in a table column,
T.geol_unit == 'Dunita'
I get the error
Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
See Also
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