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iterating function, how to return a value and return to function

1 view (last 30 days)
Happy Holidays Matlab Community. I have a programming question. I am trying to do minimization and need help coding it.
function my_function(a,b,c,d) % %calculations p, new_c, new_d and others % if condition1 return p; elseif condition2 my_function(a,b,new_c,d); else my_function(a,b,c,new_d); end end
I know return p; does not exist, only return/break to exit the loop. However, to my understanding, I would have to define p=my_function(a,b,c,d);
any tips on how to code this?
OJ27 on 26 Dec 2017
I didn't realize the formatting was off for the question and did not want to bother anyone with calculations. But here it is the algorithm.
When I want to return p only when the condition is satisfied, otherwise I want to keep looping.

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