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Is Energy Hole Problem in Hierarchical routing protocols completely solved if not can anyone help me how to find the present stage of the problem?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi I am new using Matlab and trying to investigate the Energy Hole Problem in LEACH and other Hierarchical routing protocols but i dont know how to make wireless sensor network in Matlab that shows the drainage of energies of nodes nearest to sink node hence shwowing energy holes?
In hierarchical routing protocols how can energy hole problem be shown in Matlab?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Jan 2018
No, the energy hole problem is unsolvable in most configurations; see
A partial solution is described in involving wireless charging (nodes transfer energy to each other.)
Note that questions about algorithms are not MATLAB questions. You need to research the topic in other resources, such as Google Scholar; once you have decided upon a particular algorithm then we can assist you with particular difficulties you encounter. (We are not going to build a WSN simulator for you.)

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