How do i write and save my calculation results in text file through GUI.

1 view (last 30 days)
I am developing GUI which has push button through which i import one text file and use the data from text file to do some calculation, i want to store the result and write the file in the text format, here is the code ...
if true
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
[fileList, folder] = uigetfile('*.9',...
'Find the File to Import', ...
'Multiselect', 'on')
fileList = cellstr(fileList)
kk = 1:length(fileList)
baseFileName = fileList{kk}
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName)
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName)
format short g
a = importfile_numtrix(fullFileName,11)
b = a(1,:)
c = b(:,2)
c1 = c*1.096
MF = c1*(b(:,8)*0.1)/(sqrt(b(:,10)+273.15))
spd = (b(:,3)*(sqrt(b(:,10)+273.15))*60)
SE = (MF)*(sqrt(287.03/287.18))*(sqrt(1.3360/1.3970))
%dd = fprintf(1,'Now reading %f\n',WPH)
text_file = [MF,spd,SE,WPH]
e = fprintf('%f %f %f',text_file)
this is the code but i am unable to create and store the data in new text file, help would be greatly appreciate. thanks in advance

Answers (1)

bidyut mandi
bidyut mandi on 12 Apr 2018
after running the code save the data from 'save the workspace'and then import the data.


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