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need to calculate a cumulative mean in mm1 simulation

1 view (last 30 days)
I generate output data (see picture) and I need to calculate a cumulative mean as the simulation output data is being generated. Then a count ω, is made of the number of times the output data cross the cumulative mean. I wrote the code bellow but it doesn't work.
function [ wsys wque ] = crossingmeanrule(cli, lambda, rep, win)
if nargin < 1 cli=3000; end
if nargin < 2 lambda = 90; end
if nargin < 3 rep=10; end
if nargin < 4 win=500; end
[ tsys tque ] = mm1rep(cli, lambda, rep);
w = 25;
count = 0;
for count = 1:w
y = cummean([ tsys tque ], rep);

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