How extract image form output of plot or surf?

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I draws some lines in a image with plot in a loop; in each step of loop one line will be drawn. like the following:
figure;imshow(I);hold on; for %% %% outplot = plot(u,v,'b-', 'LineWidth',4); endfor; hold off;
Now i want the final image; is there any solution to use the outplot to have a Independence image or other solution to extract final image.
I have same problem for surf. in the following h = surface(u,v,zeros(h,w),I); output h: h =
Surface with properties:
EdgeColor: 'none'
LineStyle: '-'
FaceColor: 'interp'
FaceLighting: 'flat'
FaceAlpha: 1
XData: [800×1067 double]
YData: [800×1067 double]
ZData: [800×1067 double]
CData: [800×1067×3 uint8]
can I use the output of h (out of surface) to have a image, in the way, i can call it by imshow or imwrite.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 28 May 2018
Read about saveas
marya anderson
marya anderson on 28 May 2018
Yes, It's work well for plot. Thank you. But, for surf function (as I want to extract the text), the quality is dropped). Could you please give another amazing trick to have Image with same quality for surf function.
marya anderson
marya anderson on 3 Jun 2018
Also for the surf, I think the best current way is export_fig to keep the quality safe as possible. Answer link from KSSV . Thank you.

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