How to report an identified bug in MATLAB?

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I've faced a bug in MATLAB and want to report it, so that it can be solved in next update.
Can anyone let me know how can I do it?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Jul 2018
Not a bug. Unlike a regular line of code, when you start an array you don't need ... (triple dots) to continue the line. For example, this is a perfectly fine definition of an array:
m= [1,2,3
Note - no triple dot line continuation indicator. So when you started an array with [0 0.4 MATLAB went to the following line to try to continue the array. Now you didn't show what the line following that is, but whatever it is, it couldn't make a sensible array out of it. So it was trying to assign a bunch of stuff to an array (the stuff defined by in between square brackets) and whatever stuff you had until the next square bracket didn't qualify as something valid for assigning to a matrix, hence the error you got.

More Answers (4)

Guillaume on 8 Jul 2018 and click on Create Service Request.
As specified you need an active software maintenance subscription. Otherwise report the bug here, and we'll pass it on.

Saeed Mohammadian
Saeed Mohammadian on 8 Jul 2018
Edited: Image Analyst on 8 Jul 2018
Thans Guillaume,
I mention it here. ...
When a statement is incomplete in a twofold way like below, MATLAB does not redirect me to the position of the actual error.
[0.34815900 0.2047272727272727 0.02356810126582278 0.40545454545455],...
'Fontsize',35, 'YColor',[0 0.4
In above statement I need to close ([0 0.4 ) first and then close the whole statement.
The error I receive from MATLAB is however the following:
Error: File: Plotting_Different_FDs_1.m Line: 109 Column: 10
The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Which is the not the position of the error and is actually the last statement of my code.

Saeed Mohammadian
Saeed Mohammadian on 8 Jul 2018
Yeah Thanks for letting me know...
In a long code it can be difficult to track the source of error.
But thanks for letting me know, I know how to treat these error types from now onwards.
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Jul 2018
Edited: Image Analyst on 8 Jul 2018
A lot of times we get errors that don't quite seem right. In those cases you usually look also to lines below and especially above the line of code the error mentioned. Many times the actual error is caused by the line above because it was not quite valid and it's trying to combine the good line below with the bad line above into a valid syntax statement and that was not possible due to the nature of the mistake. So you look at the line it told you and it looks fine to you but what you don't realize is that the line above is bad. This happens a lot so keep an eye out for it.

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Saeed Mohammadian
Saeed Mohammadian on 9 Jul 2018
Thanks for your advice. That helped alot.
Bests, Saeed


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