Extracting Tif from mat files.

1 view (last 30 days)
Tossawon Ngamnet
Tossawon Ngamnet on 22 Jul 2018
Dear all, i follow this code (T1.jpg) for extracting Tif images from .mat files. When the mat files was load to workspace, it will show IR0001__(2underscores). The problem is that after mat file number 10000 will show IR10000_ (it represent one underscore '_'). Then i try to rewrite my code as picture (T2.jpg). The result is shown 1000 Tif images only ( 1.jpg and result 1.1.jpg ). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- code: output_folder = 'C:\Users\Tossaworn\Desktop\Xef2Mat-master'; files = dir('*.mat'); for fidx = 1:numel(files) if fidx < 10000 matcontent = load(files(fidx).name); %load into structure filenumber = regexp(files(fidx).name, '\d+', 'match', 'once'); %get numeric part of filename imagename = sprintf('IR%s__', filenumber); %build variable name assert(isfield(matcontent, imagename), 'mat file %s does not contain image %s', files(fidx).name, imagename); outputfilename = fullfile(output_folder, sprintf('test%s.tif', filenumber)); imwrite(matcontent.(imagename), outputfilename); else matcontent = load(files(fidx).name); %load into structure filenumber = regexp(files(fidx).name, '\d+', 'match', 'once'); %get numeric part of filename imagename = sprintf('IR%s_', filenumber); %build variable name assert(isfield(matcontent, imagename), 'mat file %s does not contain image %s', files(fidx).name, imagename); outputfilename = fullfile(output_folder, sprintf('test%s.tif', filenumber)); imwrite(matcontent.(imagename), outputfilename); end end -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please suggest
Thank you

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