How to speed up UIAxes in App Designer
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I created a progress bar in App Designer using UIAxes and barh().
The function, wich progress I want to display has a for-loop. So I simply plot barh(app.UIAxes, 0.5, progress) at the end of every iteration. (0.5 because YLim is 0 to 1 so the bar will be centered)
Now the problem is, that barh seems to be too slow to update and the bar will only be plottet at the last iteration (full bar, because function is completed)
Is there a workaround for this problem?
Thanks in advance and kind regards
Accepted Answer
Chris Portal
on 4 Aug 2018
Hard to say for sure without seeing the surrounding code, but you may need a call to DRAWNOW in your for loop.
Alternatively, UIPROGRESSDLG was designed for this kind of use case. It’s not embeddabke into the app (it’s a modal floating dialog), but it would likely work for you, assuming you’re on R2018a.
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