Can Anyone help me understanding the following code?

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Hello there, I have the following code that related to the mesh split functionality. can someone help me understanding what the author exactly did in order to split the mesh components? i found the function here:
function fvOut = splitFV( f, v )
%SPLITFV Splits faces and vertices into connected pieces
% FVOUT = SPLITFV(F,V) separates disconnected pieces inside a patch defined by faces (F) and
% vertices (V). FVOUT is a structure array with fields "faces" and "vertices". Each element of
% this array indicates a separately connected patch.
% FVOUT = SPLITFV(FV) takes in FV as a structure with fields "faces" and "vertices"
% Copyright Sven Holcombe
% $Date: 2010/05/19 $
%%Extract f and v
if nargin==1 && isstruct(f) && all(isfield(f,{'faces','vertices'}))
v = f.vertices;
f = f.faces;
elseif nargin==2
% f and v are already defined
error('splitFV:badArgs','splitFV takes a faces/vertices structure, or these fields passed individually')
%%Organise faces into connected fSets that share nodes
fSets = zeros(size(f,1),1,'uint32');
currentSet = 0;
while any(fSets==0)
currentSet = currentSet + 1;
fprintf('Connecting set #%d vertices...',currentSet);
nextAvailFace = find(fSets==0,1,'first');
openVertices = f(nextAvailFace,:);
while ~isempty(openVertices)
availFaceInds = find(fSets==0);
[availFaceSub, ~] = find(ismember(f(availFaceInds,:), openVertices));
fSets(availFaceInds(availFaceSub)) = currentSet;
openVertices = f(availFaceInds(availFaceSub),:);
fprintf(' done! Set #%d has %d faces.\n',currentSet,nnz(fSets==currentSet));
numSets = currentSet;
%%Create separate faces/vertices structures for each fSet
fvOut = repmat(struct('faces',[],'vertices',[]),numSets,1);
for currentSet = 1:numSets
setF = f(fSets==currentSet,:);
[unqVertIds, ~, newVertIndices] = unique(setF);
fvOut(currentSet).faces = reshape(newVertIndices,size(setF));
fvOut(currentSet).vertices = v(unqVertIds,:);
Sven on 6 Sep 2018
Sana, you will need to be more specific - you haven't actually asked a question. Is there a particular part of the code that you don't understand? Do you already understand how faces and vertices are defined for a mesh? If not, you should start there.
sana3 sal
sana3 sal on 6 Sep 2018
Yes of-course i know that , what i need to understanding what the author exactly did in order to split the mesh components? It is worthy to mention that i can understand it theoretically, but i need to understand the code itself.

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