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How to use uiget dir loops and different excel file names functioning altogether?

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Hi, my excel files start at R3, R4, ...R32. I want to be able to select them using uiget multiple files and run a loop. I have the following way below but this one writes excel files. How can I change this to write mat files instead? How can I use the command: dir_struct = dir('*.xlsx'); % for i = 1:numel(dir_struct) number(i) = str2double(dir_struct(i).name(10:(10+numel(dir_struct(i).name)-16))); % get the number-string out of the filename and turn it into a number (I have fixed the format there) end [revised_numbers, order] = sort(number); for i = 1:numel(order) [.... ] = xlsread(dir_struct(order(i)).name, ...); ... rest of code end
to be applicable to the code below and to make it work?
prompt={'Jet Diameter, D (inches):','Radial distance, R (inches):','Moving Average time, Tav (sec)'}; name='Input for simulation'; defaultanswer={'8','3','0.050'}; %Change as required. N=60; %this will control the width of the inputdlg answer=inputdlg(prompt,name,[1 N],defaultanswer); D=str2double(answer{1}); R=str2double(answer{2}); Tav=str2double(answer{3});
% 16 CHANNEL SCANIVALVE DSA 3217 16 %Sampling Frequency of 16 Channel Scanivalve Data Acquisition System (Hz) Samp_Freq=500;
% Sampling period dt(in sec) dT=1/Samp_Freq;
% calculateg no. of samples to be averaged n=floor(Tav/dT)
% Vertical locations of all 16 Channel Scanivalve pressure taps %DSA 3217 16 (in inches) z=0.5:0.5:8;
%Normalized Height with respect D z_norm=z/D;
%Normalized Height with respect the maximum height z_norm_height=z/max(z);
%Normalized radial distances away from jet initiation R_D=R/D
%density of air in slugs/ft3 rho=0.002223;
%======================================================================================================================== LOOP 1: READING ALL EXISTING EXCEL FILES xlsread([FileName,'.xlsx']) AND WRITING NEW EXCEL FILES ([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx'],V_mean(:,1:16))
%FUNCTION 1 for k=1:27 FileName=['R',num2str(k)]; [num txt numtxt]=xlsread([FileName,'.xlsx']);
%converting deltaP's to Pressures P_psf=num(:,2:17)*144;
%FUNCTION 2 %Calculating Velocities for i=1:16 for ii=1:10000 if P_psf(ii,i)<0 V_Raw(ii,i)=-(sqrt(abs(2*P_psf(ii, i))/rho)); else V_Raw(ii,i)=(sqrt(abs(2*P_psf(ii, i))/rho)); end end end
%Calcultaion of Average Velocity for im=1:16; V_mean(:,im)=movmean(V_Raw(:,im), n); end % saving the velocity files as excel sheets xlswrite([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx'],V_mean(:,1:16)); end %============================================================= %----------------------------------------------------------- %LOOP 2: READING ALL NEW EXCEL FILES FROM LOOP 1 ([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx'] AND WRITING NEW EXCEL FILES ([FileName,'_Vmax.xlsx'],max_max_Vmean)
%reading the saved velocity files for n=1:27 FileName=['R',num2str(k)]; [num txt numtxt]=xlsread([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx']);
%calculating maximum velocities for conservative design(peak of peaks) max_Vmean=max(num(:,:));
%finding overall maximum for a given radial distance from DB max_max_Vmean=max(max_Vmean);
%saving this maximum value in excel sheet xlswrite([FileName,'_Vmax.xlsx'],max_max_Vmean) end %============================================================= %----------------------------------------------------------- %LOOP 3: READING ALL NEW EXCEL FILES FROM LOOP 1 ([FileName,'_Vmax.xlsx']
%finding where maximum velocity occurs along radial distance out=cell(27,1); for m=1:27 FileName=['R',num2str(m)]; [out{m} txt numtxt]=xlsread([FileName,'_Vmax.xlsx']); end [max,loc]=max([out{:}]); %============================================================= %----------------------------------------------------------- %LOOP 4: READING ALL NEW EXCEL FILES FROM LOOP 2 ([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx']
%Inputting file where maximum velocity occurs for r=loc FileName=['R',num2str(r)]; [num txt numtxt]=xlsread([FileName,'_Vmean.xlsx']); end
%location of maximum in the file of maximum radial distance [row, col] = find(ismember(num,max)); %Vertical distance of Pressure taps Z_max=col/2;
%Normalized velocity V_norm_TH=num(:,col)/max;
%Input Timefrom sample number and frequency Samples=1:10000; Time=Samples/Samp_Freq; %============================================================= %-----------------------------------------------------------
% Time History plot plot(Time,V_norm_TH),xlabel('Time in sec'),ylabel('V/Vmax'), title('Time History at location having maximum velocity'); figure
%Vertical velocity profile V_norm_VP=num(row,:)/max; Z_norm=(0.5:0.5:8)/Z_max; plot(V_norm,Z_norm),xlabel('V/Vmax'),ylabel('Z/Zmax'), title('Vertical velocity profile at time having maximum velocity')
  1 Comment
Jan on 24 Sep 2018
Edited: Jan on 24 Sep 2018
This is a lot of unreadable code. Please mark it with the mouse and press the "{} Code" button.
I guess all you want to do is to replace
for k=1:27
dir_struct = dir('*.xlsx');
for i = 1:numel(dir_struct)
FileName = fullfile(dir_struct(i).folder, dir_struct(i).name)
But what does "uiget multiple files" mean? Perhaps:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.xlsx', 'MultiSelect', 'on');
for i = 1:numel(filename)
FileName = fullfile(pathname, filename{i})

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