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How to make a Pareto chart in Matlab

1 view (last 30 days)
Kaushal Kishore
Kaushal Kishore on 26 Sep 2018
Commented: Kaushal Kishore on 28 Sep 2018
Hi i have a data set that contains 5 different attributes such as Longitude, latitude, Elevation, Roughness length and Wind speed values. All the attributes have the same number of counts. I want to know how can i make a Pareto chart of the data set using matlab. Thank You
Kaushal Kishore
Kaushal Kishore on 28 Sep 2018
Rather than having counts on the y axis what else can we have on the y axis of the Pareto chart. Can anyone suggest something.
Kaushal Kishore
Kaushal Kishore on 28 Sep 2018
I have tried using variance on the y axis but it gives me 1 for all the attributes.

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