Enhanced image is not getting saved as it. Values get changed after imwrite()

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My ques is: if I save the enhanced image then using imshow(NSS_Img,[]) I get the same enhanced image. But if I use imshow(NSS_Img) the image is not the saved enhanced image. Please help. Actually, I want to enhance image X and save it and then crop a small portion from the saved enhanced image. But, the values of NSS_img and the image after saving is not same. my code is given below:
X = imread(imfile(image).name);
filename = imfile(image).name;
full_file = fullfile('C:\Users\Puja Bharti\Desktop\matlab\',filename);
[pathname, name, ext] = fileparts(full_file);
s1 = 'En';
s2 = filename;
s = strcat(s1,s2);
new_name = fullfile(pathname, s)
if size(X,3)==3
X = rgb2gray(X);
grayImage= im2double(X);
figure('Name','Original image'), imshow(grayImage)
NSS_img = NSS(grayImage); %NSS_img is enhanced image
whos NSS_img
figure('Name','final image'), imshow(NSS_img,[])
Puja Bharti
Puja Bharti on 7 Oct 2018
Edited: Puja Bharti on 7 Oct 2018
Thank you @Walter. Thank you so much...... Yes now I am getting the exact enhanced image.

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