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Create a Multiple graph with tha same pop up manu

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi All
I need to create a GUi with a multiple graph controlled by the same pop up menu, for exsample if I select the option 1 from the pop up menu I will get in graph 1 a plot that coming as plot (A(:,5),A(:,6) and in the second graph plot(A(:,8),A(:,9));
where A is a matrix that I already have;
It shoul be easy but I can't still find a solution....
Jan on 10 Dec 2018
The question is not clear. We cannot guess what "graph 1" is or where "A" is coming from. Actually it should be easy to implement the code in the callback function of the menu. So please piost what you have tried so far and explain, which problem you have.
ADC on 19 Dec 2018
thanks Jan
I solved my problem by callback function and a subplot graph;
Thanks a lot!!!

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Accepted Answer

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 14 Dec 2018
Much easier to help if you share code of what you have attempted. That gives us a common starting point to go from.
In the callback function for the popup menu, place two plot commands using the syntax
where ax1 is a handle to the axes where you want to plot A5,A6 and ax2 is a handle to the axes where you want to plot A8,A9.

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