subband sinr computation in 5G

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Medhat Elsayed
Medhat Elsayed on 8 Feb 2019
I have developed the code below to compute the subband sinr in a downlink 5G waveform. The waveform information is shown beside each variable. Basically, I have the waveforms of the signal, interference, and noise, and trying to compute the subband sinr in 13 resource block groups (RBGs), each RBG has 8 RBs. I feel I am missing something though. The sampling rate is 30720000 and Nfft is 2048; That results in a subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz (5G numerology 0). However, for a 20 MHz channel, number of subcarriers = 12 RBGs * 8 RBs * 12 Subcarriers + 1 RBG * 4 RBs * 12 subcarriers = 1200 subcarriers, which is larger than Nfft/2 = 1024! Any idea about this?
function [sinrdB] = sinr_fn(rxWaveform, intrxWaveform, noise, waveformInfo)
RMS = @(x) sqrt(mean(abs(x).^2));
fs = waveformInfo.SamplingRate; % 30720000
Nfft = waveformInfo.Nfft; % 2048
RBG = 8*12*15000; % Resource block group
% *********************************************************************** %
%% Noise power
wbPnoise = RMS(noise)^2;
noisefft = fft(noise, Nfft);
psdnoise = (1/(fs*Nfft)) * abs(noisefft).^2;
subPnoise = zeros(13, 1);
for i = 1:length(subPnoise)
if(i == 13)
subPnoise(i) = sum(psdnoise( (i-1)*96+1 : (i-1)*96+4*12 ))*RBG;
subPnoise(i) = sum(psdnoise( (i-1)*96+1 : i*96 ))*RBG;
% *********************************************************************** %
%% wideband signal power
wbPsignal = RMS(rxWaveform)^2;
signalfft = fft(rxWaveform, Nfft);
psdSignal = (1/(fs*Nfft)) * abs(signalfft).^2;
subPsignal = zeros(13, 1);
for i = 1:length(subPsignal)
if(i == 13)
subPsignal(i) = sum(psdSignal( (i-1)*96+1 : (i-1)*96+4*12 ))*RBG;
subPsignal(i) = sum(psdSignal( (i-1)*96+1 : i*96 ))*RBG;
% *********************************************************************** %
%% Interference power
wbPint = RMS(intrxWaveform)^2;
intfft = fft(intrxWaveform, Nfft);
psdInt = (1/(fs*Nfft)) * abs(intfft).^2;
subPint = zeros(13, 1);
for i = 1:length(subPint)
if(i == 13)
subPint(i) = sum(psdInt( (i-1)*96+1 : (i-1)*96+4*12 ))*RBG;
subPint(i) = sum(psdInt( (i-1)*96+1 : i*96 ))*RBG;
% *********************************************************************** %
%% snr calculations
wbSINR = wbPsignal / (wbPint + wbPnoise);
wbSINR_dB = 10*log10(wbSINR);
subSINR = subPsignal ./ (subPint + subPnoise);
subSINR_dB = 10*log10(subSINR);
sinrdB = [wbSINR_dB; subSINR_dB];
% *********************************************************************** %

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