Allocating pinned memory in matlab mex with CUDA
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I have an application where I call my own CUDA fucntions from a mex. However, the memory transferred can be very big (both input and output) and that means that pinned memory can help me speed up the process quite a lot.
I have seen several posts in teh internet and in hre mentioning that you can not use pinned memory (cudaMallocHost) with MTALAB variables, however all these are from 2017 or older. Now that we are in 2019, and the parallel computing toolbox, CUDA and MATLAB have changed a lot, is this still true? Can pinned memory not be used still? For applications where memory is critical this is a big drawback.
Matt J
on 13 Aug 2019
Edited: Matt J
on 13 Aug 2019
In any case, for most algorithms and uses of TIGRE, specially when the data is big, the transfer times are just a small fraction of the computational time
I'm not sure which algorithms you had in mind here, but performance will definitely suffer for ordered subset algorithms if you have to do a transfer after every forward/back projection of a subset. The total data set may be large, but the size of a subset can be small in comparison, and the more subsets you have, the more transfers you will have to do. If I were to undertake the task of creating dedicated gpuArray versions of the forward/back projection modules only, are you saying it would be highly challenging task?
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