How to get input and output names of a below subsystem?

8 views (last 30 days)
Is it possible to get names of inputs and outputs without going inside the subsystem using script?
Here inputs are coming from other subsystem/blocks and outputs are going to other subsystem/blocks.
expected input names : violet,indigo,blue,green
expected output names : yellow,red,white,black

Answers (1)

Dhanashree Mohite
Dhanashree Mohite on 8 Apr 2019
As per my understanding you can use ‘find_system’ command with Blocktype and SearchDepth parameters.
>> find_system('modelName','SearchDepth',2,'BlockType','Inport')
>> find_system('modelName','SearchDepth',2,'BlockType','Outport')
Refer below link for more understanding:





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