The ode45 function only outputting constant value

10 views (last 30 days)
I am currently trying to create a program which accepts user inputs for parameters, passes those to a function, and then passes that function to the ode45 solver and plots the results. However, the ode solver seems to only give a constant output equal to the specified initial conditions. I was wondering whether there were some kind of error in my script that was leading to this result.
%% Units: g, mol, dm^3, K, Kpa, s
%Specifying operating conditions
R = 8.314472; %Ideal Gas Constant
m_a = 60.052; % Molar mass acetic acid
m_b = 74.1; % Molar mass Butanol
phi = 0.2; %Porosity of Catalyst
rho_c = 19300; %Density of Catalyst
P_0 = input('Please specify an operating pressure in Kpa.');
while P_0 <= 0
P_0 = input('Please specify an operating pressure greater than zero.');
T = input('Please specify an operating temperature in K.');
while T <= 0
T = input('Please specify an operating temperature greater than zero.');
Dp = input('Please specify a pipe diameter in dm.');
while Dp <= 0
Dp = input('Please specify a pipe diameter greater than zero.');
F_t_0 = input('Please specify incoming molar flow rate in mol/s.');
while F_t_0 <= 0
F_t_0 = input('Please specify an incoming molar flow rate greater than zero.');
x_b = input('Please specify mole fraction of Butanol in feed.');
while x_b <= 0 || x_b > 1
x_b = input('Please specify a mole fraction between zero and one.');
x_a = 1 - x_b; %Mole fraction of acetic acid
%Calculating parameters for pressure drop equation
Ap = pi*(Dp/2)^2; %Cross Sectional Area of Pipe
Cto = P_0/(R*T); %Initial concentration
rho_a = x_a*Cto*m_a; %Density of acetic acid
rho_b = x_b*Cto*m_b; %Density of butanol
rho = x_a*rho_a + x_b*rho_b; %Approximate total density
mu_a = 0.001155; %Viscosity of acetic acid
mu_b = 0.002593; %Viscosity of butanol
mu = x_a*mu_a + x_b*mu_b; %Approximate total viscosity
m_flow = x_a*F_t_0*m_a + x_b*F_t_0*m_b; %Incoming mass flow rate
G = m_flow/Ap; %Mass velocity
beta_1 = (G*(1-phi)/(rho*Dp*phi^3));
beta_2 = ((150*(1-phi)*mu)/Dp) + 1.75*G;
beta = beta_1*beta_2;
rho_bulk_c = rho_c*(1 - phi); %Bulk density of Catalyst
alpha = ((2*beta)/(Ap*rho_bulk_c*P_0));
%Calculating parameters for rate law
k_f = 0.0090953*exp(-45.49/(R*T));
k_r = 0.008643*exp(-23.90/(R*T));
%ODE solver
w_span = [0:1:100]; %In grams
F_a_0 = F_t_0*x_a;
F_b_0 = F_t_0*x_b;
[W,F] = ode45(@(w,y) f(w,y,Cto,k_f,k_r,F_t_0,alpha), w_span,[F_a_0; F_b_0; 0; 0; 1;]);
title('Component Flow Rates and Pressure Drop with Respect to Catalyst Mass');
xlabel('Mass W (g)');
function dydw = f(w,y,Cto,k_f,k_r,F_t_0,alpha)
dydw(1) = (Cto^2*y(5)^2/(y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4))^2)*(k_f*y(1)*y(2) - k_r*y(3)*y(4)); %Mole Balance for Species A
dydw(2) = (Cto^2*y(5)^2/(y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4))^2)*(k_f*y(1)*y(2) - k_r*y(3)*y(4)); %Mole Balance for Species B
dydw(3) = -1*(Cto^2*y(5)^2/(y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4)^2)*(k_f*y(1)*y(2) - k_r*y(3)*y(4))); %Mole Balance for Species C
dydw(4) = -1*(Cto^2*y(5)^2/(y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4))^2)*(k_f*y(1)*y(2) - k_r*y(3)*y(4)); %Mole Balance for Species D
dydw(5) = (-1*alpha/2*y(5))*((y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4))/F_t_0); %Pressure Drop Equation
dydw = dydw(:);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Apr 2019
Please indicate some suitable inputs to test with.
Braydon Lantz
Braydon Lantz on 26 Apr 2019
For the first four inputs, any positive integer would be acceptable, and for the last, any decimal value between 0 and 1. However, in the tests that I've done, I obtain a constant value regardless of which inputs are used. The intitial conditions used by the ODE solver are defined by the last two inputs, F_t_0 and x_b.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Apr 2019
exp(-45.49/R*T) is exp(-1500-ish) which underflows to 0. Your input temperature would have to be below about 136 K in order for that expression to not underflow to 0.
Perhaps those should be exp(-45.49/(R*T)) ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Apr 2019
What are some realistic inputs? With the random values I am inputting, I am seeing slight curves.
Braydon Lantz
Braydon Lantz on 26 Apr 2019
That was the problem! I wasn't considering the physical properties of the material when I defined the range of values that are accepted as inputs, so certain numbers were giving anomalous results. Thank you!

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