How to assign values to 100 by 2 matrix?

7 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix (2,3); how could I initialize a 100 by 2 matrix with the first column all=2 and second column all=3.
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 15 May 2019
Edited: madhan ravi on 15 May 2019
By the looks of the question probably you want:
% if you want first columns with 2 and the other as 3 then
ones(100,2).*[2,3] % since 2016b
bsxfun(@times,ones(100,2),[2,3]) % prior 2016b
By basic indexing [if you want to feed in the 2 by 3 matrix to a 100 by 2 matrix] then: :
a=rand(2,3); % example
  1 Comment
Robin Li
Robin Li on 15 May 2019
yea. I was asking for if the matrix is (2 3). Thank you!

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More Answers (2)

Raj on 15 May 2019
Edited: Raj on 15 May 2019
A=[2 3]
A1=[A(1)*ones(100,1) A(2)*ones(100,1)]

Murugan C
Murugan C on 15 May 2019
x(1:end,1) =2;
x(1:end,2) =3;
Try the above code.
Thanks in advance!!!


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