Sorting through labelled data

3 views (last 30 days)
Tino on 4 Jun 2019
Answered: Priysha Aggarwal on 4 Jun 2019
Given the data of two columns below with negative and positive label
Please I want to use the code below to sort for negative or positive numbers instead of even and odd numeric data example code below
for col = 1:size(croppedz, 2)
%sort even/odd rows, reshape each into a Kx? matrix, sum across rows and divide the two sums
% K = can be anynumber that groups it
result(:, col) = sum(reshape(sort(croppedz(1:2:end, col)), K, []), 1) ./ sum(reshape(sort(croppedz(2:2:end, col)), K, []), 1);
Thanks for your help in advance

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 4 Jun 2019
str = { '0,Negative'
'9,Positive'} ;
% Get positive
idx = contains(str,'Positive') ;
Tino on 4 Jun 2019
Thanks for your swift anwser KSSV
how do I seperate the values from the character to get a different cell for positives and negatives
Thanks in advance
KSSV on 4 Jun 2019
str = { '0,Negative'
'9,Positive'} ;
V = regexp(str,'\d+','match') ;
V = [V{:}] ;
iwant = cellfun(@str2num,V')

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More Answers (1)

Priysha Aggarwal
Priysha Aggarwal on 4 Jun 2019
If you can skip using the above given for loop, you can store the above strings in a string array as :
A = ["0","Negative";
Now you can sort A according to column 2:
[mat,idx] = sort(A(:,2)); % this will sort 'negative' and 'positive' labels alphabetically
sortedA = A(idx,:); %sorting column 1 accordingly



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