- actxserver - https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/actxserver.html
- aspen plus MATLAB link - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/504450-how-to-use-aspen-plus-matlab-link
Get properties from Aspen Plus
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Hello Matlab community,
I want to use material properties from Aspen Properties V9 to calculate some dimensionless numbers. For example I want to get out the heat capacity, thermal heat conductivity, etc. of water at different temperatures and pressures. Is this possible?
Thank you for helping an inexperienced user.
Answers (1)
on 13 Sep 2024
Hi Andreas,
To create an integration between Aspen Properties V9 and MATLAB, you can use a component object model (COM) interface, which allows MATLAB to interact with Aspen Properties. You can use the ‘actxserver’ method in MATLAB to create a COM server, access and retrieve the properties from Aspen properties and then use the same in MATLAB. A sample script looks like the following:
% Create a COM server to interact with Aspen Properties
aspen = actxserver('Apwn.Document');
% Open a new Aspen Properties document
% Retrieve specific properties
Cp = aspen.Tree.FindNode('\Data\Properties\Cp').Value; % Heat capacity
k = aspen.Tree.FindNode('\Data\Properties\ThermalConductivity').Value; % Thermal conductivity
For more information regarding the functions used in the script, refer the following documentations:
Hope this helps!
See Also
Find more on Heat and Mass Transfer in Help Center and File Exchange
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