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How can I display a bar chart ?

1 view (last 30 days)
How can I display a bar chart like the attached one ?
Best regards.

Accepted Answer

Aravind Ravikumar
Aravind Ravikumar on 19 Jun 2019
What you are looking for is 2-D Bar Graph. You can add legends using legend.
Aravind Ravikumar
Aravind Ravikumar on 19 Jun 2019
x = [3 4;1.5 1.75;0.25 0.3];
This code will produce bar graph like the attached image. gca will select the current axes and then you could specify the xticklabel for the bar graph.

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More Answers (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist on 18 Jun 2019
Use the bar function.
the cyclist
the cyclist on 19 Jun 2019
I suggest you take a look at the MATLAB Plot Gallery, which has examples of lots of plot types, along with the code that produces them. This may save you time asking about everything small addition that you want, one at a time.

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