Multistatic radar simulation in Phased Array Toolbox

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I would like to know if I can model a multistatic scenario wherein 2 transmitters are transmitting and 3 receivers are receiving (say). Is there any means of visualizing the ray propagations of each of the transmitters and receivers to understand even better?
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Rik on 10 Oct 2019
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Accepted Answer

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 20 Jun 2019
Yes Phased Array System Toolbox can model such scene. You can see a bistatic polarimetric radar example at
As to the ray propagation, there isn't much available off the shelf. However you can consult with this spatial mutlplexing example to see how it's done in the example
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 21 Jun 2019
1) Yes
2) The antenna has its pattern defined in all directions. However, if we are talking about simulating the return, then we only simulate the directions where a target or a reflector is present.
3) Could you clarify? Do you have a sample code I can take a look? You should be able to simulate the interference. Do you mean that the receiver receives echo from both transmitters?

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