Wrong page numbers in report generator

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello I am generating a Report with loops creating Chapters and Sections. However everytime a chapter is created, the page number goes back to 1. Is this a normal behavior?
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 18 Jul 2019
Edited: Sean de Wolski on 18 Jul 2019
No. That's not normal. Can you provide repro steps?
Jack Arnoldi
Jack Arnoldi on 19 Jul 2019
Ok so basically what I do is I have a loop creating a new chapter at each iteration. The GetDocument function returns a chapter object.
I tried to clear ChapterTests as you can see in comments because I thought maybe some properties weren't overwritten by the new chapter but it didn't work...
for i = 22:length(txt)
% defining the variables
ScriptName = char(txt(i,1));
ControlSheet = char(txt(i,2));
TestFile = char(txt(i,6));
% get the data from the test
ChapterTests = GetDocument(path, folder, ScriptName, ControlSheet, TestFile, NumberOfGeneralExamples, NumberOfPASSExamples);
add(rpt, ChapterTests);
%clear ChapterTests

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Accepted Answer

Paul Kinnucan
Paul Kinnucan on 18 Jul 2019
A bug exists in R2017b that causes every chapter to begin on page 1. This bug was fixed in R2018, R2018a_update2, and R2017b_update7.
  1 Comment
Jack Arnoldi
Jack Arnoldi on 19 Jul 2019
Edited: Jack Arnoldi on 19 Jul 2019
Thank you, I have the (R2018a) version, is it included in the R2018a Update 2 release?

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More Answers (1)

Paul Kinnucan
Paul Kinnucan on 19 Jul 2019
Jack Arnoldi
Jack Arnoldi on 22 Jul 2019
I'm not on my personal computer so I can't install whatever I want, however you just told me my version was included in the update2 so I shouldn't need to install it?
But I will try to install the package.
Jack Arnoldi
Jack Arnoldi on 23 Jul 2019
Well, I managed to install the version and now the problem is solved, thank you!

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