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Huge array size problem

2 views (last 30 days)
Ibrahim DAWI
Ibrahim DAWI on 25 Sep 2019
Commented: Ibrahim DAWI on 25 Sep 2019
i am trying to create a matrix of size 110 000 x 110 000 (91.1 GB) that should containt small double values.
i will be using the values in this huge matrix as inputs to a specific algorithm . i am aware that this exceedes the maximum array size and that it could not be insirted into memory. So i am looking for a fast (the algorithm accesses the data an enormus amount of times) method to have access to this data while overcoming the size problem.
Could you propose a solution for this problem ?
i am using MATLAB2016b
this is the code i used for the generation of the matrix
%now fill the table
for i=1:size_group
for j=1:size_group
temp1=Gw8(:,:,i) - Gw8(:,:,j);
temp2= norm (temp1,'fro');
distance= round(temp2,4);%Most important
thank you
  1 Comment
rough93 on 25 Sep 2019
Could you not just have several sub-matrices and access the one you need? You could set up two for loops to create a square of submatrices and just insert your matrix creation in the middle (with small parameters of course).

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 25 Sep 2019
Edited: Matt J on 25 Sep 2019
You probably should not pre-store this matrix. You should probably just (re)compute chunks of the matrix as you need them. Note, for example, that the complete j-th column of your matrix can be obtained quite efficiently as follows,
jthColumn= round( vecnorm(G-G(:,j),2,1) ,4).';
and will be even faster on the GPU if you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
  1 Comment
Ibrahim DAWI
Ibrahim DAWI on 25 Sep 2019
Thank you, using chunks of the matrix did the trick.

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