Can we solve this on MATLAB?

3 views (last 30 days)
Rashmin Rayani
Rashmin Rayani on 10 Oct 2019
Answered: Prabhan Purwar on 14 Oct 2019
∇∙k(x,y)∇T+Q=0 on OMEGA
T=x on y=0
T=3+x^2 on y=3
T=y on x=0
∂T/∂x=1-T/5 on x=3
Daniel M
Daniel M on 10 Oct 2019
Yes. What have you tried?
Rashmin Rayani
Rashmin Rayani on 10 Oct 2019
have done it theoretically but don't actually know how put that in code or how to start with this kind of problems

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Answers (1)

Prabhan Purwar
Prabhan Purwar on 14 Oct 2019
Following equation can be solved by making use of curl() and vpasolve() functions, as shown in the below example code:
syms x y z
V = [x^3*y^2*z, y^3*z^2*x, z^3*x^2*y];
X = [x y z];
S = vpasolve(curl(V,X)+X == 0, x,y,z);
ans =
0.0000 + 0.0000i
-1.0000 + 0.0000i
1.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 - 1.0000i
0.0000 + 1.0000i
Please have a look at the following code representing the working of solve and assume functions to solve equations with conditions.
Please refer to the following link for further information
Hope this helps.

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