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Error while calling place()

1 view (last 30 days)
Avneet kaur
Avneet kaur on 5 Nov 2019
Answered: Chidvi Modala on 19 Dec 2019
I am facing issue in calling the place function from a user defined function block in simulink
Function 'place' not supported for code generation. Function 'Controller' (#23.121.133), line 7, column 5: "place(A,B,p)" Launch diagnostic report.

Answers (1)

Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala on 19 Dec 2019
From my understanding, 'place' function is not supported for code generation. Not all built-in functions are supported for code generation. You may find the list of built in functions for which code generation is supported here. There are two workarounds for this problem.
You may try implementing the built-in function in C/C++ or you may find a C/C++ program with the required functionality. Now, you may call the external C/C++ file using coder.ceval()”.
You may declare the built in function as extrinsic using coder.extrinsic() function. During simulation, the code generator produces the code for the call to an extrinsic function but does not produce the function’s internal code.


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