How to save data stored in a cell for easy transfer to excel?
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I have data stored in excel based on timepoints. I wrote a small code that sepatates the data into intensities based on the time point indicated (Time 1, Time 2, etc.)
[~,idx] = sort(data(:,2));
sortedmat = data(idx,:);
[~,~,X] = unique(sortedmat(:,2));
Time = data(:,2) ;
Intensity = data(:,1) ;
[c,ia,ib] = unique(Time) ;
answer = cell(length(c),1) ;
for i = 1:length(c)
answer{i} = Intensity(ib==i,:) ;
However, the data is stored in a cell with individual "NX1 double" values. So far I have opened every single one of them and then copy and paste them into excel where i do the analysis. But my data sets are starting to become bigger and I am wondering if there is an easy way to either save them to a matrix that I can copy and paste to excel or another way to save them.
Thank you
1 Comment
Muhammad Usman
on 14 Nov 2019
If you are fimiliar with xlsread and xlswrite, then it's quite easy to write the cell by specify filename,sheet,[variable],range
Answers (1)
Stijn Haenen
on 14 Nov 2019
You can use the function writematrix:
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