Median Filter

2 views (last 30 days)
nayomi ranamuka
nayomi ranamuka on 6 Apr 2011
Hi, I want to apply median filtering for HSI image. How would I apply it?

Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 6 Apr 2011
doc medfilt2

Lior Shapira
Lior Shapira on 6 Apr 2011
I'm assuming your problem is with the radial dimension H. What I would do is calculate the median for each pixel such that its neighborhood is centered around 0.5 (the pixel). For example for a neighborhood size of [5 5]
colfilt(img_hsv(:,:,c), [5 5], 'sliding', @(x) mod(median(mod(x - x(13) + 0.5,1)) + x(13) - 0.5,1));
Its not perfect but gives decent results

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