How to setup common file in .XML or .txt format to declare all variables globally for using it in simulink and stateflow?

2 views (last 30 days)
I am currently working on controller of robot. The conroller contains combination of Simulink blocks and Stateflow. There are too many variable as well as inputs and outputs in my program. Some inputs are used multiple time in simulink as well as stateflow. As an example DESTINATION of robot is used as an input in around 8 blocks.
I want to setup a common file in which I can define all variables as well as inputs globally so that simulink and stateflow can use that to take input.
Can anyone please help me how can I do that?

Accepted Answer

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom on 17 Nov 2019
Are these "variables" fixed during the course of the simulation? If so, create parameters in a MATLAB script file and run the script file to load them into the base workspace. Use Simulink Constant blocks or Stateflow Parameters to reference those workspace parameters from your Simulink or Stateflow model.

More Answers (1)

Stijn Haenen
Stijn Haenen on 14 Nov 2019
Creating a txt file can be done with:
a=10; b=20; c=30; d=40;
fprintf(FP,'variable1 = %g\n',a);
fprintf(FP,'variable2 = %g\n',b);
fprintf(FP,'variable3 = %g\n',c);
fprintf(FP,'variable4 = %g\n',d);
I'm not sure if you ment this.


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