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Fitting Multiple Data sets

3 views (last 30 days)
Subramanian Sankaranarayanan
Answered: Vladimir Sovkov on 19 Nov 2019
I have one independent variable 'x' and 15 dependent variables 'y1', 'y2', ... ... , 'y15'.
I have to fit a function F consisting of six coefficient a, b, c, d, e, & f to the 'x' vs 'y' data, such that
  1. coefficients a,b & c have the same values for all fits 'x' vs 'y1', 'x' vs 'y2', ... ... ... ... , 'x' vs 'y15'
  2. coefficients d,e & f have different values for each fit 'x' vs 'y1', 'x' vs 'y2', ... ... ... ... , 'x' vs 'y15'
  • Coeffients for fit 'x' vs 'y1' are a, b, c, d1, e1, & f1
  • Coeffients for fit 'x' vs 'y2' are a, b, c, d2, e2, & f2
  • Coeffients for fit 'x' vs 'y3' are a, b, c, d3, e3, & f3
  • ... ... ...
  • Coeffients for fit 'x' vs 'y15' are a, b, c, d15, e15, & f15
How do I go about doing this?

Answers (1)

Vladimir Sovkov
Vladimir Sovkov on 19 Nov 2019
The package "Optimizer" can help. See:

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