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5G NR -plot constellation

11 views (last 30 days)
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar on 4 Dec 2019
Answered: Madhusoodan NA on 13 Sep 2021
I am having IQ data of 5G NR signals, its with SCS of 120 KHz, QPSK, No of RBs as 66, PBCH positions at 11, phase compensation on at 1 GHz. I want support to plot the constellation.
.mat files available in the following link
Please help me.

Answers (2)

Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty on 5 Jan 2021
Hi Pavan,
If you have IQ data in .mat file, open MATLAB and then load the mat file, which will bring the data present in .mat file to MATLAB workspace.
Then, to view the constellation, look at Scatter Plots and Contellation Diagrams.
Hope this helps.

Madhusoodan NA
Madhusoodan NA on 13 Sep 2021
I am trying out with the FRC A3-31 ( Precoding enabled PUSCH), the equalized constellation plot doesnt seem correctly plot QPSK constellation ( also not sure if nrTransformDeprecode is applied on received waveform).
Can you confirm how the original constellation of data bits in QPSK can be obtained from the EVM tool?


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