Running imregionalmax in simulink

2 views (last 30 days)
Navid Bayati
Navid Bayati on 10 Dec 2019
Commented: Navid Bayati on 18 Dec 2019
Hi everyone
I want to run imregionalmax in simulink to find the value of imregionalmax for a curve at real time. I did that on the script, but I dont know haow can I do that on simulink.

Answers (1)

Sahithi Kanumarlapudi
Sahithi Kanumarlapudi on 17 Dec 2019
As you already have a script you could use a ‘MATLAB Function’ block in your Simulink model. For more information on the block refer to the following link
  1 Comment
Navid Bayati
Navid Bayati on 18 Dec 2019
Thank you for your answer.
But, the imregionalmax function cannot be use in Matlab function block.

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