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Problem with disp code with variables

8 views (last 30 days)
Steven Latham
Steven Latham on 11 Dec 2019
Answered: Maadhav Akula on 13 Dec 2019
Hey round 2 for me. Working on a homework problem for a simple code for some reason it's not working and I'm not getting enough details to fix the issue the code is below. my problem is the if else lines.
clc, clear
prompt = 'Enter a WHOLE number ';
x = input(prompt);
y = sqrt(x);
if isreal(y)
disp('The number ',x,' is a square; it is the square of the number ',y)
disp(' The number ',x,' is not a square.')
Steven Latham
Steven Latham on 11 Dec 2019
Edited: Steven Latham on 11 Dec 2019
okay I figured out the first part of my problem I just needed to add brackets [ ] to each statement. new code below.
clc, clear
prompt = 'Enter a positive integer ';
x = input(prompt);
y = sqrt(x);
if isreal(y)
disp(['The number ',x,' is a square; it is the square of the number ',(y)])
disp([' The number ',(x),' is not a square.'])
Now i just need to get it to actually display the variables instead of boxes
Enter a positive integer 25
The number is a square; it is the square of the number
Steven Latham
Steven Latham on 11 Dec 2019
nope back to broken the else side of the function doesn't seem to work if i take the sqrt of 122 it still pops up in the first box rather than moving to the second.

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Answers (1)

Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula on 13 Dec 2019
If you are checking for whether a given number is a perfect square or not, then the following changes to your code might help:
clc, clear
prompt = 'Enter a WHOLE number ';
x = input(prompt);
y = sqrt(x);
if mod(y,1)==0
disp(['The number ',num2str(x),' is a square; it is the square of the number ',num2str(y)])
disp([' The number ',num2str(x),' is not a square.'])
Hope this helps!


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