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How to configure wlanMACFrameConfig Frame Type 'Probe'

3 views (last 30 days)
I need help in configuring the MAC Frame configuration . Default setting for Frame TYPE is Beacon .
I want to configure FRAME TYPE TO Probe, i.e. wlanMACFrameConfig('FrameType', 'Probe').
Is there a way where user can write own code to configure wlanMACFrameConfig ?
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

Jyotsna Talluri
Jyotsna Talluri on 16 Jan 2020
Edited: Jyotsna Talluri on 16 Jan 2020
Currently wlanMACFrameConfig supports only few frame types
{'Beacon', 'RTS', 'CTS', 'ACK', 'Block Ack', 'Data', 'Null', 'QoS Data', or 'QoS Null'.}.We can configure the FrameType property to any of the above.
and it does not support 'Probe Request' and 'Probe Response'

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